
Results of my Survey about Music Censorship

Thank you for helping me finished the survey, I got a lot of useful information and a lot of interesting thing which I should do a further research from this survey.
At the last of my survey I promised you to post the results of my survey on my blog, so here it is.
Again, Thank you very much!!!

9 questions
20 people answered

1. Do you agree that music with obscene lyrics should be censored before it appears on TV? 
Yes 57.9%
No  26.3%
Not sure 15.8%

 1.which kind of music do your think should be censored?
Rap  54.5%   Punk 45.5%   Rock 45.5%

 2. To what extent do you think that music should be censored? from  level 1(allow some obscenities) to 5(don't allow any obscenities at all)
1. 27.3% 2. 36.4%  3.   9.1%  4 .  27.3%  5.  0.0%

3. please tell me what you worry about if non-censored music is broadcast?
 bad influence in teenage.

1.are you a fan of rock or rap music?
 Rock music fan 62.5%
 Rap music fan 25.0%
 not a fan of either  12.5%

2.why do you think music shouldn't be censored
  free expression
If you were father/ mother , would you worry that your chlid will be influenced by music with obscene lyrics?
Yes  45.5%
No   54.5%

 Do you think that listening to rap or rock music have any connection to act of violence in the real world? 
 not at all 7.1%
may be a little bit 78.6%
yes, I think so 14.3%

 Do you think that music censorship may have an impact on the earning potential of the recording industry ?
not at all 0.0%
have some impact on  92.9%
have a great impact on 7.1%

Feed back on my presentation

THANK YOU for give me many useful advise on my presentation.

Positive points
1.It's necessary to guarantee the musician's rights

2.It was good that the survey showed something that was unexpected.

3.I like how your NGO told us that censorship is not only for bad words, but also songs that contain lyrics which is against government policies. I didn't know that some singers have been arrest or killed in some countries.
The results of your survey are easy to understand and your video is cool.
4.The survey results are well shown with percentages of answers.
5.Clear assertion, concrete number on results
6. It's good idea that you recruit young people by twitter or FB
7.Your video is effective and attractive, giving lots of useful inspiring information, while being entertaining.
I am glad that you showed conflicting(or contradictory)infoemation of your survey as that is often the most interesting .
The goals and mission of your group were clear
8.The PPT were nice.
9.Cool video, clear results
10.there were many respondents to your survey, well done. Video was so good.
11. It shows you spent a lot of time on your presentation
12.The video inspired me, I love music too, and I was so shocked to know there were some people who got killed due to it.
13. the power point were clear, so that I was able to know the results of the survey and the NGO well. The missions/goals for the NGO was clear.
I like the video, It actually inspired and motivated me.

You should employ more adults
You should gice attributions for the music or visuals you used in your video.
the date with graphs may look better
The member of your NGO was narrow.

1.What types of music do you like?
I like punk and rock, my favorite band is My Chemical romance.
2.Were there any musicians that were arrested or their music had been censored in Japan
I haven't found any musicians been arrested or music been censored in Japan.
3.In countries with music censorship, are there any law's about the freedom of expression?

May be there are some laws about freedom of expression , But it doesn't mean that people can say whatever they want to say, for example in China freedom of expression was explained as" On the premise of`not affect Social harmony, people have right of free expression?

4.Does the NGO support musicians that sing about political issues or musicians that just sing bad words?
We are support both this two kinds of musicians.
5.what do you think the majority of respondents didn't care about protecting their children from obscene lyrics? What's your own opinion about this?
I think they may think that they can control their children's behavior well and have confidence on their home education.
For me, I don't think I will let my children listen to the rap or rock until their get into high school.


1. About my survey result

2 About my NGO

Video I made for our NGO


Answers to my questions(7)

14 Are there any laws about music censorship?

it is illegal for government to censor the music, but it still ok for the organization like PMRC and private companies to censor the music. That's why the US government isn't interfere the music censorship directly.

Here is my source .
"Laws Regarding Music Censorship." . N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jul 2012. <http://www.nku.edu/~issues/music_censorship/laws.htm>.

 15.What will happen if teenage listen too much rap/ rock music that contain dirty words , drug using and sexual expression?

 According to a 2006 study by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation suggested that "young people who listen to rap and hip-hop are more likely to abuse alcohol and commit violent acts."

and another article  said that: "A 2008 study at North Carolina State University found that latent sexist attitudes were revealed in study participants regardless of whether they listened to rap music with sexist lyrics, or rap music with no sexist language."

 How ever I think that we can't blame all this bad behaviors to rap and rock music. teenage's behavior are mostly depend on the way their parents teach them.
so I think parents should be  responsible for their children's behavior.

Valerie , Clark. "The Bad Effects of Rap Music on Teenagers Read more: The Bad Effects of Rap Music on Teenagers | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_4914950_bad-effects-rap-music-teenagers.html


Answers to my questions(6)

12  Are there any groups that support/ against music censorship?
 There is a NGO that advocates for the rights of musicians all around the world. Recently they advocated that  3 March every year should be MUSIC FREEDOM DAY since 2013. Here is their official site  http://www.freemuse.org/sw305.asp
 And the most famous organisation that support music censorship is PMRC, which I mentioned many times before.
 However I was surprised that I can't find the official site of PMRC. It seems that they don't have a site. so here is their information from wiki

 "Parents Music Resource Center." wikipedia. Print. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parents_Music_Resource_Center>.

13 Are there any different between music censorship in1970s,1980s,1990s and now? Is is becoming more and more serious?
 In 1970s the real music censorship haven't started yet, so there wasn't a standard about which music should be censored and which shouldn't.
 In 1980s when the PMRC was found, the music censorship became more serious , at that time, PMRC mainly against heavy metal music because according to some parents some teenagers try to kill themselves after listening to the heavy metal music ( like  Ozzy's case and Judas Priest's case )
 In 1980s when Hip HOP and Rap rise, they became the main object of PMRC.

Here is the Timeline of Music censorship

"History of Censorship in America." n. page. Print. <http://www.nku.edu/~issues/music_censorship/History.htm>.


Answers to my qustions(5)

 11.  Is that any country else has music censorship? What about Japan?
 China have music censorship, too But they mainly censored import album. If the album was considered to be inappropriate. they can't sell it in China. That's why may rap album can't be seen in China. But I think Japan don;t have music censorship because I can get every kind of music here without difficult. 

Answers to my questions(4)

 10.  Did singers united to against music censorship/? If so, does it have any effect?
In the end of 1980s, many heavy metal singers got together to against music censorship and PMRC , Dee Snider,  John Denver and Frank Zappa were the main advocates. At last they come to a decision that instead of strict censorship the PMRC were allowed to put a label on albums said"“Parental Advisory explicit conten"

here is a movie on youtube about how singers fight against the PMRC
Warning: Parental Advisory . 2002. Film. 25 Jul 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3qdtC91ss4&feature=relmfu>.

An interesting introduction video

This is a very interesting introduction video about music censorship.They made a rap to complain about music censorship. It just like what Mr Dias showed us at first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqq6cQkYVlM


Answers to my question (3)

9. Does any singer or rapper complained about music censorship in public , what’s the result of that?
  Many metal  singers  complained about music censorship and PMRC .  Especially Dee Snider, a famous heavy metal  singer,  is devoting himself to aganist the music censorship and PMRC since 1980s.
 Here is a video about Interviews with artists talking about music censorship and PMRC. 
Censorship in the music business - (PMRC 25 years, Walmart US). 2009. Film. 25 Jul 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlPTTweVi9o>.


Answers to my question (2)

8 . Is there any difference between airplay censorship and album censorship?
    After listening to a lot of rap album. I found out that different from airplay, music in album seems to be no censored cause no "bleep"could be heared even the song is full of F words. I think if the music in ablum be censored too,  it may have big impact on the whole   recording industry  cause no one will buy it .
 But as I metioned before , if the whole was consider to be not appropriate for teenage to listen, "Parental Advisory " label will be put on.
 By the way, I found out in China, If a some in album considered to be inappropeiate, they just cut the whole song off.


My International surveys

Here is my international surveys ,I hope your guys can help me answer it http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JMCKQ6P


Answers to my question

I would like to answer some of my questions
  About question 1 how does the censoring system works when a new song come out?

I found that when a new song come out, if the new song was considered to contain dirty words or sexual expression, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)  will put a label on it writing “Parental Advisory explicit content”.

 About Question 2   Who is in control of music censoring ship
  A organization called  Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC)  has controlled the music censorship. PMRC was found on 1985 with the purpose of protect children form be influenced by the music which considered to have violent , drug using and sexual expression.

 About Question 3    Everyone knows that Motion picture rating system was used in censoring films. Will they make a same system used in censoring music in the future?
 According to my research , I found even the RIAA will put a label(as I mentioned in Q1 ) on some rap/ rock album, there is still not a rating on the label like G/PG/PG-13/R on the movies, but I think PMRC will creat a rating system in the future.

About Question 4   In the music censorship which words exactly will be covered with “bleep…..”
 I can't found exactly which word will be censored, but every word which consider to be dirty, sexual expression meaning will be covered with BLEEP....

 About Question 5  How do teenagers think about music censorship?

 I found most of them are against the music censorship and try to get censorship free music.

About Question 6  How do parents think about music censorship
 Most parents worry about their children will be affected by some rap music so they think that music censorship is necessary.

About Question 7 How do singers think about music censorship?
 Most rap/ rock singers or bands are against the music censorship. I also found that Eminem has found a “ censorship free music radio station "


yahoo group

I choose two yahoo groups called DestroyerZ and theunitedvoice. I chose this two groups because it had more than 25 members in the group and it was recently posted. It is not really a music censorship group but it has many post about censorship and many people were writing about music. I would like to get many information and opinion about music censorship from the group member.

2 discussion groups

I found 2 discussion groups which related to our topic. one is [https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/alt.censorship ] this one is google discussion group. It discuss all kinds of censorship including music censorship. However this is a huge group and there are too many imformation. I still need time to find something useful  . The other group is a[https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/alt.rock-n-roll.metal] this is a group mainly talk about metal rock music. but there are also some discussion about music censorship .



Here are two tagcrowd I made. The first one is by using TagCrowd, and the second one is by using Wordle. The first one is  from this article http://www.noisebetweenstations.com/personal/essays/music_censorship.html
and the second one is from this


Answers to the question

I think music censorship is not a good idea since there is no need to use unnecessary language when we don't have to. We could use different words instead. I also believe that it will give bad influence to teenagers because probably they will sing that song and learn bad words and things that they dont need to know. In other hand I think there is a meaning of using bad words. May be that song could only be meaningful if they use that certain words instead of polite words. Adults think it is not necessary to use bad language in a song because they dont like their children sing that song with saying those bad words. We often here bad words in movies as well. I think this is the same thing. They should care more about teenagers and be careful with the languages they use. We are talking this with english but other countries have this problem too. Japan doesnt really use the bad words but I think they are using and singing about unpolite thing like sexuality. I dont think this will be solved in future because many people actually like the songs with those words.


useful website

I found a very useful website for my research .check it out http://www.freemuse.org/sw2338.asp , The reason I thought it very useful is because it has many links . I can find more information by click these links .


questions about topic

  1. What do you think about music censorship?
  2. Does it give bad influence to teenagers?
  3. What is a purpose of using a bad words in a song?
  4. Will it change if you don't use bad words?
  5. How are artists thinking about this?
  6. Does everyone disagree with music censorship?
  7. How are adults thinking about this problem?
  8. Why is it bad use bad word in a song?
  9. Is there purpose of using those words?
  10. If we talk about music, how about movies than.
  11. Will this be a serious problem?
  12. Does every country have this problem?
  13. How are they going to change this?
  14. Will this need to be solved?
  15. How can we solve this?


15 questions for our topic

QUESTIONS for our topic

1.    how does the censoring system works when a new song come out?

2.    Who is in control of music censoring ship?

3.    Everyone knows that Motion picture rating system was used in censoring films. Will they make a same system used in censoring music in the future?

4.    In the music censorship which words exactly will be covered with “bleep…..”

5.    How do teenagers think about music censorship?

6.    How do parents think about music censorship?

7.    How do singers think about music censorship?

8.    Is there any difference between airplay censorship and album censorship?

9.    Does any singer or rapper complained about music censorship in public , what’s the result of that?

10.  Did singers united to against music censorship/? If so, does it have any effect?

11.  How do the except American is that any country else has music censorship? What about Japan?

12.  Are there any groups that support/ against music censorship?

13.  Are there any different between music censorship in1970s,1980s,1990s and now? Is is becoming more and more serious?

14.  Are there any laws about music censorship?

15.  What will happen if teenage listen too much rap/ rock music that contain dirty words , drug using and sexual expression?


Negative Effects of Rap Music on Teens

I have found a date on the internet said According to a 12-month follow-up research, “African-American teenage girls, participants who were exposed to rap music videos were "3 times more likely to have hit a teacher; more than 2.5 times as likely to have been arrested; 2 times as likely to have had multiple sexual partners; and more than 1.5 times as likely to have acquired a new sexually transmitted disease, used drugs, and used alcohol” researched by American Journal of Public Health
 From the date we can see that it’s true that listening to the rap , hip-hop music which contained violent expression or drug using did have some bad influent on teenage. And rappers themselves actually started out in the school of hard knocks, selling drugs. This kind of lifestyle may creat a nagativen image for teenage listeners. Teenages under 15 can hardly tell what is right or worng, they just do whatever they think is “ cool” and by listening to this kind of music may made they think that drugs and violence is “cool” , this is what’s everyone worry about.

History of music censorship

In the 1940s, when traditional value were challenged by the early rock and rap music. People start to worry about the bad influents of them. Then in 1955 thousands of letters were sent to sent to Chicago rock stations accusing them of playing "dirty" records, which made the stations promise that they will censor itself of all controverisal music. After that, over 30 songs were banned in US, most of them were R&B and rap by black artists.

In the early 1970’s music censorship expanded from songs to music videos, which contained too much violence or sexual express scene. For some unknown reason, music video by black artists were not being aired on MTV until the famous hit song “ billie jean” by Michael Jackson. “ Billie jean” is the first music video performed by black artist can be watched on TV.

In 1985, Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was formed to protect the children to be affected by music deemed to be violent, have drug use or be sexual expression. PMRC urged the music industry and government to create and promote a rating system for music, evaluating the musical content.

In 1990, in one of the most famous music censorship cases rock band Too Much Joy were arrest for performing “obscene material in a club.