
Answers to the question

I think music censorship is not a good idea since there is no need to use unnecessary language when we don't have to. We could use different words instead. I also believe that it will give bad influence to teenagers because probably they will sing that song and learn bad words and things that they dont need to know. In other hand I think there is a meaning of using bad words. May be that song could only be meaningful if they use that certain words instead of polite words. Adults think it is not necessary to use bad language in a song because they dont like their children sing that song with saying those bad words. We often here bad words in movies as well. I think this is the same thing. They should care more about teenagers and be careful with the languages they use. We are talking this with english but other countries have this problem too. Japan doesnt really use the bad words but I think they are using and singing about unpolite thing like sexuality. I dont think this will be solved in future because many people actually like the songs with those words.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I partly agree. Some song use so many sware words and they are unnecessary. Although, in some cases, I think they shouldn't censor the word because it could have a very strong and emotional meaning to the writer of the music.
    There are some TV programs that are filled with bad words and I personally lose interest when I hear too many swaring words.
